Secure Shipping

When you place an order or access your account information, it is done using the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption method; your details are encrypted before the information goes from your computer to ours.
When this is happening you will see a little padlock symbol at the top left of the browser – this means that your details are totally safe from prying eyes and that only Minoxidil Care can see them. (Some browsers do not have this symbol; if the address of the web page starts with https, this also confirms you are secure). This method is the recognized standard for secure transactions.

Please also note that your Credit/Debit Card details are not stored and each time you place an order, you will have to go through a security check


Always close down your browser when you have finished shopping, especially if you share a PC. This will delete temporary internet cookies from any site that you have visited and ensure other users do not see your personal details.